Geelong Support Network
We work WITH other trusted health care professionals to find the best outcomes for you, to support your mind, body and soul. Everyone is unique with different needs and we know that we cannot do it alone! We entrust other small business owners who also care about their clients and specific needs : Bowen Therapists, Remedial Massage and Naturopathy, Yoga, Nutritionists, Health Coaches and Councillors, just to name a few!
We work WITH other trusted health care professionals to find the best outcomes for you, to support your mind, body and spirit.

Our treatments work to restore overall health, rather than to simply suppress symptoms. We actively seek the underlying cause of an illness or condition, then introduce treatments that work alongside the body’s natural healing mechanisms, rather than against them.

Geelong Bowel and Remedial Therapies :
The Bowen Technique is one of the most versatile and effective therapeutic treatments available today offering significant relief for many conditions. Bowen Therapy frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation helping the body to recharge and balance itself.

At Everheal, they focus on education, empowerment and encouragement along side quality nutrition to support and change autoimmune and chronic diseases.

Uses ‘ph360’ body analysis. The world’s first personalised health platform based on epigenetics. It uses 10,000 data points and 500 ratios to analyse your genetic expression so that it can tell you exactly how to use factors in your everyday life to get and stay healthy according to your body and health type.

Create Balance Psychotherapy and Counselling :
Specialises in the treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, addictions, relationship issues and ADHD but is able to assist you in overcoming many other mental health concerns. Using a variety of psychological techniques and modalities, we can help you to tap into the subconscious mind to master the perspectives, beliefs, habits and addictions that stop you from living life to your fullest potential.