Team McLean Fitness Club Membership Terms & Conditions:

* Memberships

> Team McLean Fitness Club aims to continually produce a high quality fitness service to each valued team member.

> Streamlining prices, services and process are being implemented as of Friday 1st July 2022. A new structure of Membership options are being offered.

> ‘Pay as you Go’ and 5 Packs are no longer available to existing and new members.

> An ‘Introduction Pack’, is offered once to all new members, as an introduction to the Club, before committing to a Direct Debit or Pack Membership. 

> Direct Debit options are being encouraged as a Membership structure. This offers options to give more value to members and to hold members accountable for their attendance. 

> 10 Packs are available if the Direct Debit option is not viable for the member.

> Members are be responsible for booking their own Personal Training and Group sessions ongoing. If there is an agreed time with the Coach, they will endeavour to keep the members specific time, but the Coach is no longer solely responsible if that specific time is unavailable. 

> Booking system via ‘Calendly’  These specific links are also on the Contact page of or on the Facebook Group Page. Please discuss  with the Coach if an alternative is needed. 

* Direct Debit

> This is a weekly reoccurring debit, it is required to be scheduled in by the member from their own Bank account, on every Monday if possible or closest day to.

> If you the member prefers to use an external debit company, please request the paperwork, which will incur administration fees paid by you the client.

> Otherwise there are other no contracts or fees.

* Session Cancellation or Rescheduling Policy

> The Coach must be notified of the cancellation or reschedule of sessions with a minimum of 12 hours notice.

> If not, client will be charged the full amount for the missed session, unless there is an unforeseen work, medical or family emergency.

* Social Media Policy

> Team McLean Fitness Club reserves the right to photograph and video fitness sessions in and outside of the Club. 

> If any Team Member wishes not to have their image published on Website or Social Media please advise the Coach via email.

> No names or tagging will be assigned to social media posts.

* Membership Suspension or Cancellation

> Team McLean Fitness Club requires 14 days notice via email before any suspension or cancellation of membership.

> If there is an unforeseen circumstance that requires being absent for an extended time, membership payments can be paused with out the 14 days notice.