Getting back into fitness
>> First step is the hardest : Whether it be years since you have done an exercise routine or just the Winter months, making the choice and actioning it, its challenging for some people, and takes determination. And keeping it consistent – is what makes real change in your body and mindset. It can be daunting and sometimes overwhelming to walk into a large gym space. But exercise doesn’t equal gyms. During the Winter months it does help as its reliable because its inside – but as the saying goes “ There’s no such thing as bad weather, but only inappropriate clothing”.
Exercising can be fun – > Doing an activity you enjoy: if you find it fun, it isn’t a chore. You will want to do it. There is different variations and styles of exercise. Its not all High intensity or powerlifting.Get involved in sporting clubs, or special interest groups Or > Accountability, Workout buddy : if you dont enjoy movement, its a great idea to be accountable to someone… a friend, a dog, a personal trainer, booking into group fitness classes…
> Socialising :
- Getting out there and being around other like minded people
- Making new friends
- Creating a support network around you
- Mental health
> Fitness events
- Geelong has so many events and occasions get to get involved in – Fun runs, walking events around the coast, movement fundraisers like STEPtember is on now,
- See Geelong Lifeline – they had a Golf Classic and community walks
- See website, they have an events guide including how workplaces can support healthy culture and community
- Team McLean FC – have Pilates and Cheese / High Tea social events coming up Sundays September 4th & October 1st
- Run 4 Geelong – coming up soon too…
>> Preparations clothing, shoes, bra, event day information : – Shoes; the correct footwear will support your body from the ground up – literally! Your body stems from your feet, so supporting arches, enables knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck to be inline, causing less strain and potential injury. – Underwear; yes comfy and supportive under garments are another essential piece.
>> If you are struggling with getting back into movement : Many people have an injury or illness they feel holds you back, or you think you are too unfit to even start – please jump on Team McLean FC website and reach out. I can help with those first and really the hardest steps. You dont have to sign up with Team McLean FC at all – We offer a free goal setting chat, no obligation. And we make a plan, lets find an activity you enjoy and write wellness routine and goals. Just imagine how great you are going to feel?
Reach out to our friendly and supportive Coach Kristen –
Listen in on Coach Kristen’s interview on Geelong Community Radio 94.7. Pluse FM with Loretta Hart.