Menopause : Exercise = power and control
A topic that is still relatively unspoken about in detail, yet extremely interesting and important. Here at Team Mclean Fitness Club, we believe menopause should be embraced and to take steps forward in this next stage of life. I want to share with you some small changes every woman can make to feel confident.
“‘Menopause’ is defined as a woman’s last menstrual period. Professional diagnosis that are that there has been no menstrual period for 12-months, at the average age women of 50-51 years old. The years before referred to as peri-menopause and after, post- menopause. An individual can go through menopause for up to 10 years or so! During this time, women experience many difficulties including hot flushes, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, as bone density and cardiovascular changes as well as others.
These changes can be associated to the reduction of two hormones: Oestrogen – to that influences reproduction, metabolism, fat storage, thermoregulation, and response/ recovery to exercise. Progesterone – to that influences mood , anxiety and irritability.
There are many things you can do to manage the symptoms and make this time a bit easier! Menopause does not have to result in slowing down or stopping!
Due to the altered hormonal profile associated with menopause, women are at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, bone fractures, stroke, being overweight, poorer mental health. This does sound a bit grim, but as I always say movement and exercise is just one of the proven and researched aspects to play a major role in managing this life event.
Studies have shown that women who exercised only 1hr p/week had a 58% increased risk of coronary heart disease compared to women who exercised 3.5hrs p/week. This equates to 30 minutes of moderate-vigorous intensity exercise a day. Heart rates between 120-140BPM or talking while exercising but not singing. The study also highlighted an inverse relationship between increasing physical activity and the risk of cardiovascular events the more you do, the better off you are.
If moderate-vigorous intensity exercise isn’t for you, the below exercises styles that Team Mclean Fitness Club offers in Personal Training and Group Classes, can support the symptoms and changes that come along with menopause.
- Resistance/ weight training: Increasing lean muscle mass not only helps you retain strength for the later stages of life, but also increases bone density (strength of bones) which decreases chances of osteoporosis.
- Mat and Reformer Pilates : These low impact styles are great as there is minimal to no pressure on joints as well as being challenging to all fitness levels. See ‘What We Do’ page.
- Brisk walking : LISS (low intensity steady state) This 45-60min of walking (additional hand weights for a extra little bit), helps relieve any muscular tension as well keeps the heart rate in a fat burning zone for longer.
Coach Kristen not only wholeheartedly believes that consistent physical activity will change your physical healthy – but also your mindset and mental health too! During Menopause the brain also decides to jump in on the action. Poorer mental health, increased feelings of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and memory issues are all common and real issues. Just one session of exercise per week has highlighted a 22% reduction in the chance of developing depression, with four exercise sessions giving us a 46% reduced chance. Not only does exercise release a bunch of good hormones that leave us feeling happy and energised, it also provides the opportunity to focus on ourselves, catch-up with friends, and create new connections.
Being educated and understanding the importance of physical activity at this age, (and all ages) Team Mclean Fitness Club delivers enjoyable and accessible solutions. So, whether it’s you, your mum, or aunt going through menopause, remember how hard it can be. Please take them out for a walk, squat in between putting the clothes on the line – as every little bit counts! To learn more about how Coach Kristen can help with Menopause reach out and have a chat!
Reference: Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), Fernwood Pulse newsletter Dec 2022.